Please Support Our Campaigns

Please support our campaigns. CPE believes that its vision and mission can be fully realized through the solidarity and cooperation of other organizations and partners who believe in the process of popular empowerment.

CPE’s main campaigns are human rights and governance. Specifically, it focuses on the urban poor’s struggle for the promotion and protection of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ECOSOC) Rights and the urban poor’s effective participation in politics and local governance.

In particular we campaign for :

  • Effective and meaningful people’s participation in local governance
  • Urban poor’s housing rights through network building and legislative advocacy
  • Rights-based approach to development

Any interested party may get in touch with CPE through the following contact details:


address: 25-B Matiyaga St., Bgy. Pinyahan, 1101 Quezon City, Philippines

Telefax : 63 -2-4332460

Thank you very much and Mabuhay!